Marche Food & Wine


The land of "Ciauscolo"

A range of woody mountains passes through Italy for hundreds of kilometers. The Apennines act as the common denominator for many Italian regions, and though the morphological characteristics differ from one place to another, the people living in this territory are bound by a great similarity. The latter is exemplified in the gastronomic tradition which has managed to remain unsullied thanks to the natural isolation provided by the mountains.

Le Marches are well-known for their gastronomic culture that is based on simplicity and genuineness, and they give a strong contribution to the richness of such heritage with their “gastronomic jewels”. These range from the Verdicchio wine of the gentle hills of Matelica to the tasty Ciauscolo of the Sibillini Mounts. Other examples are the pecorino (ewe’s milk cheese), creamy ricotta cheeses, the honey, the truffles, full of scent, and the tender lamb meat.

It is bearing in mind the need to enhance territories and cultures that every year in September the event Le terre del Ciauscolo is organized. It takes place in the charming hamlet of Visso, a small town located in an enchanted valley crossed by the clean Nera river. This event is marked by a wonderful selection of local agricultural and food products, coming from hill and mountain areas, with the participation of over 30 producers. 

The real king among the many delicatessen that may be tasted during this exhibition – market is the tasty Ciauscolo (also called ciavoscolo or ciabuscolo), a very ancient type of salami that can be spread on bread and that has a secret recipe, though enriched by local variations.

The Ciauscolo is a typical food of the Easter period, it is produced in a small part of the territory on the border between the Marches and Umbria using selected pork meats (bacons, entrecotes and shoulder), seasoned with salt and pepper and flavoured with fennel, garlic or cooked wine. In order to obtain this soft type of salami, the mixture is passed many times through a wire-drawing machine. It is then placed to cure near a fireplace and then kept in a cool and airy place to finish the short period of seasoning.






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