Marche Food & Wine

Rosso Conero

Rosso Conero
Rosso Conero and Riserva

Production area
Its geographic reference is the promontory of Mount Conero overlooking the Adriatic sea, south-west of Ancona and the surroundings hills. Its distrtic includes 7 councils: Ancona, Camerano, Numana, Offagna, Sirolo and parts of Castelfidardo and Osimio.

Montepulciano grapes are predominant. Up to a max of 15% of Sangiovese grapes can be blended.

Appearence: it is deep ruby red in colour, clear and brilliant with purplish tones.
Scent: it has a pleasant winy scent in the first period. This gades during maturation, and becomes fruity and floral:
Flavour: it is palatable, harmoniuos, dry, tannic and full-bodied. During maturation it gains smoothness then it becomeseven more persuasive with a delicate trend.
Alcohol content: min. 11,5°C.
The minimum alcoholic content of Riserva is 12,5°C and its ageing time at least 2 years, commencing from the 31st of March the following year and finishing with the grape harvest the year thereafter.

Optimum age
Some productions maturation lasts about one year with a refining period spennt in oak barrels. Special selectons are left to mature for 2/3 years or more, and they can be put down for a long time.

Accompanying Foods
A year from its harvest, the Rosso Conero, fruity, palatable and with tannic tendancies, is pleasantly coupled with rich, succulent, aromatic and even sweet foods. The more mature and smooth it is, the better it goes with filled pastas and first courses based with a red sauce or meat. It is customary in the city Dorica to cominate Rosso Conero with "stoccafisso all'anconitana" (dried cod), a dish that supports the contasting bouquet of the scarcely matured wine with the rich aromatic sauce and extra-virgin olive oil used to dress it.  Foods filled with fantasy and taste are acknowledged as a regional speciality: a pleasant affinity is nearly always obtained with a smooth and mature Rosso Conero.

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