Where To Stay

Il Casale

 Fabriano / Il Casale

Il Casale
60044 Fabriano (An)
Tel:+39 0732 72383
Mob:+39 333 2906738

Email: luciacucchi@libero.it
Website: http://www.fabrianoedintorni.it

It is located on the edge of Le Marche, very close to Umbria. Il Casale boasts a fantastic position as it is just 2 km off the famous and important city of Fabriano.

Such a position allows to enjoy the quiet of the country house around the village of Campodiegoli but also of exploiting the facilities of Fabriano (just a 5 minutes drive off). The building has a great historical value. It was in fact founded as part of the cluster of a Church. It has now been turned into an Organic Agriculture Farm.

All the ingredients used in the restaurant of "Il Casale" are purchased from local farmers. Part of the vegetables are cultivated in the property. The farm has been recently made part of the Albo Regionale delle Aziende Biologiche with I.M.C.certification (Mediterranean Institute Certification). The farm is deeply involved in the safeguard of the environment. It has in fact some watching positions, being it very close to the Park of Monte Cucco.

Country House & Agriturismo
Il Casale

Campodiegoli di Fabriano (An)

Il Casale is located in one of the most suggestive areas of Le Marche. 

The gentle hills typical of the county are in fact surrounded by the low Apennine Mountains that mark the border between Marche and Umbria.
Il Casale offers interesting activities to its guests. A lot of courses are organized in collaboration with the local schools. They are meant to keep alive the ancient rural traditions and crafts. 

The farm also takes part in the organization of events in revocation of local traditions. Bricolage and soap making courses are among the activities. 

The most important tradition handed down from generation to generation is the processing of the paper itself. Fabriano is in fact well known in all Europe for its paper mills. 

It was in fact the first city in all the continent to produce paper. Il Casale is much involved in the teaching of the process. 

Lots of traditional activities, such as cartonage and decoupage (mixed technique consisting in applying light layers of decorated paper on various supports) are in fact taught there.

Il Casale respects Le Marche philosophy in the safeguard of Nature.

The owners have in fact preserved fruit trees almost disappeared in other places. There are in fact about ten trees that produce: “biricocolo”, “azzaruolo”, “prugnolo” e l’ “angelica” (peculiar variety of pear) in the orchard. The farm also produces delicious honey. 

The restaurant can host up to 100 people at a time. It only serves the best typical products made with local ingredients. 

The Country house is then provided with 11 double bedrooms and a private lodging (also comfortable for disabled people) that is divided into three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a kitchenette.

A riding school and an artificial lake, perfect for fishing, are nearby. The city of Fabriano is very rich in entertainments. The city has a high artistic value.

A century old elm stands in all its majesty in the yard in front of the entrance to “Il Casale”.


© 2006 Liberation Ventures Ltd.


Country House & Agriturismo
Il Casale 
Campodiegoli di Fabriano ( Ancona )


Book your holiday now
and enjoy the special assistance
available through
Paradise Possible!

or contact directly Lucia Cucchi at the following phone number:

T    +39 0732 72383
M +39 333 2806738

N.B. Each bedroom has its own private bathroom.

How to get there

Even though the county house is lost in the quiet of the country side it is within easy reach from the 76bis road that links Roma to Ancona.

If coming from the coastline, take the freeway and exit at “Fabriano Ovest” and follow the signals to Campodiegoli. If coming from Roma or from Umbria, the country house is slightly before Fabriano. Once in the small village of Campodiegoli in fact there are the signals to Il Casale.



© 2006 Liberation Ventures Ltd.


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