Passions & Places

Grotte di Frasassi

Grotte di Frasassi

Entering Grotta Grande del Vento (the Big Wind Cave), visiting Sala dei Giganti (Giants' Hall), discovering the crystallised Lake and admiring tiny stalagmites that form Sala delle Candeline (the Candle Hall) is like being catapulted in another dimension. 

In those large majestic caves stalactite and stalagmite formations create the most fantastic and unimaginable forms. No other environment deserves defining a landscape designed by nature more than this one. 

As a matter of fact, all that succeeding of caves and figures to which various names from the folk fantasy have been attributed according to images they evoke, is an authentically surprising fruit of the work of time. 

A gift that here, in Frasassi, has become a patrimony of humanity accessible to all. There is no tourist in the Marches who does not reserve a stage of his/hers vacation to Grotte. 

From the opening, dating back to the 1st September 1974, the number of sites possible to see has been enlarged and today the tourist itinerary comfortably prolongs to approximately 600 metres. 

A trip starting from Grotta Grande del Vento and from Abisso Ancona (Abyss), the first part of the cave that explorers discovered, representing one of the biggest subterranean cavities in Europe and in the world. 

But, not only majestic spectacle characterises the karstic phenomenon of Frasassi. Innumerable multiform formations cause the feeling of hanging in the air, multiplied by the effect of the water of lakes reflecting the finest stalactites that hang from the ceiling, resembling crystal hair. 

You will feel an urge to enter those caves, to trespass upon the allowed itineraries in order to be wrapped in colours, from yellow to white, to blue of those natural creations. 

Actually, the paths and the labyrinth of subterranean rooms are more than thirteen kilometres long, but only especially equipped spelaeologists can explore the whole of this fantastic subterranean world. 

Therefore, you must not miss the itinerary open to public, the one that everyone should see at least once in the life.


2001 Liberation Ventures Ltd.

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