Passions & Places

Palazzo Bezzi Parisani

Palazzo Parisani Bezzi
Sale Napoleoniche

Parisani-Bezzi palace is right in the core of Tolentino
It was rebuilt on an ancient building in XVII century.
It has recently undergone a conservative restoration. 

All the large rooms on the Piano Nobile and on the second floor have entirely been recovered. Parisani – Bezzi palace hosted Napoleon from 16th to 19th February 1797.  He signed with some of the Pope’s delegates, the Tolentino Peace Treaty in the Sala Gialla. 

It is still possible to visit that room and admire the ancient furniture and the small table where the Treaty was signed. It still bears evidence of the ink stains caused by the inkwell spilled by Napoleon. 

The irony of fate wanted also the Baron Federico Bianchi, the Austrian army leader, to sleep there in the first days of May 1815. 
He was the one to defeat Napoleon’s brother in law in the famous battle fought near La Rancia castle.

The rooms on the ground floor are all characterized by yellow and red damasques and paintings that decorate the upper part of the rooms. Ancient furniture can be admired in there. You should definitely visit the pompeiana room and the kitchen with the ancient stove and fireplace. 

On the second floor a wise restoration has brought back to life the ancient characteristic of the building structure.
Parisani – Bezzi Palace nowadays is a museum and together with the Napoleon rooms it offers beautiful environments for shows, exhibitions and events. 

by Marion Grazioli
Translated by Guendalina Santini

for  Paradise Possible  

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