Passions & Places

Teatro Vaccaj

Teatro Nicola Vaccaj


Tolentino is known as the “little Broodway of Italy” because of the numberless plays by the Compagnia della Rancia, directed by Saverio Marconi, perfomed at the local Nicola Vaccaj theatre and then in the most famous Italian theatres.

According to documents dating back to 1560 several theatre plays were held in several settings in town. 

Only in the second half of 1700, though, the building of a theatre was first planned. 

The building was sponsored by Carandini Cardinal and in fact the theatre was named ‘Aquila’ after the two eagles in the Cardinal’s family coat of arms.

The project and decorations were commissioned to the architect Giuseppe Lucatelli. 

The new theatre was opened on 10th September 1797. 

A century later the theatre was restored by a painter, Luigi Fontana and the name of the theatre was eventually changed in honour of Nicola Vaccaj, a local musician. 

His was the idea of the way of opera singing that is still used in the world. 

The last restoration lasted ten years and the theatre re-opened in 1985. On that occasion an opera concert was performed.

The facade is in neo-classic style. It has three entrances and two large medallions one with an eagle and the other with the Comune coat of arms. Inside the theatre is of stunning artistic beauty.

The ancient curtain is dedicated to two famous local people: the humanist Francesco Fidelfo and the leader Niccolò Mauruzi. 

Some of the ancient features of the theatre are now kept in Palazzo Municipale and so are some medallions frescoed by Fontana.

Teatro Vaccaj features a play and music season and important events and congresses.

by Marion Grazioli
Translated by Guendalina Santini

for  Paradise Possible

Sponsored by
Comune di Tolentino


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