Passions & Places

Feste Medievali

Le Feste Medievali di Offagna
La Contesa della Crescia”


“Le Feste Medievali di Offagna” were first organized 20 years ago propelled by the wish for a revival of ancient medieval traditions through history and exhibitions, culture and traditions. The festival was anciently calledLa Contesa della Crescia”.

The Pro Loco and a Scientific Panel which organized it founded a Cultural Centre called Accademia della Crescia. The target is “promoting, coordinating and making research on subjects concerning the cultural and social development especially of those men living the Medieval and Renaissance times.”

Le Feste Medievali di Offagna are really successful as Offagna is enclosed by a medieval well preserved fortress that much suits historical festivals. Furthermore the organizing panel pays much attention to the detailed reconstructions of environments and Medieval every day life scenes such as the show of period dresses that are entirely produced by tailors and dress makers in Offagna.

Among the settings that are revived there is the Market of arts and crafts (Mercato delle Arti e dei Mestieri), where potters, woodworkers, mosaic workers, weavers, tailors, basket makers, paper makers, painters operate. 

Then there are the Prophetic Arts (Arti Profetiche), where fortune-tellers, astrologists can be seen at work. Each neighbourhood has then its own Taverna, where characteristic food and wine is served together with stories told by minstrels and storytellers. Visitors are often involved in work shop for children and adults and in ability games.

Each edition of the Feste has had a different theme every year since 1990. At the time it was the “Prophetic Arts”, (Le Arti Profetiche) this year it is “Town of vision and Dream (Paese di Visione e Sogno)

All the shows, performances, meetings with famous scholars develop around this theme. Gastronomy and historical dishes culminate in the Medieval Dinner (Cena Medievale) and in the challenge of the four neighbourhoods of the village (Croce, San Bernardino, Sacramento and Torrione). The awarding neighbourhood will see its flag waving on top of the fortress for a year.

Le Feste Medievali di Offagna will be held from 21 to 28 July. The theme of this year is about the period that followed the pestilences that caused uncertainty and shakiness in the soul of men. They started to wonder whether they should believe in the traditional values such as chivalry and faith or if they should go ahead and ground new beliefs and knowledge on the past.


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