Passions & Places

Cartoteca Regionale

La Cartoteca Storica delle Marche
An ancient collection of maps in a special place


Cartoteca Storica delle Marche, is an association of scientists, scholars and collectors. 

They are keen on the analysis and preservation of historical documents and maps of Le Marche county. 

The collection is on permanent display in the convent of Santa Lucia In Serra San Quirico. It is meant to make people acquainted with the historic and cartographic tradition of the county. 

It is a geographic paraphrase tracing back the origins and reaching as far as the accession of Le Marche to the Unitary Italian Country in 1860 passing through the modern configuration acquired around XV century.

The association target is propelling studies on the history of cartography, on the evolution of the territory and of the landscape, on the history of the geographic exploration. 

Serra San Quirico city council is a member of the association itself. It also handles and increases the collection. 

he association organizes shows and publications and owns the original documents kept in the display rooms.

La Cartoteca is organized in three display rooms. The documents are on display following two main criteria: their theme and chronological order:

- the first cartographic representation of Le Marche Region;

-  the evolution of the cartographic representation, Napoleonic period.

- ”the deadpan compass of the”, modern cartography.


One of the most precious documents is the representation of the earth made by the great Venetian cartographer Vincenzo Coronelli (1658-1718).  

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Comune di Serra San Quirico


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