Passions & Places

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Misericordia

Chiesa di Santa Maria della Misericordia 
at Falconara Marittima

Santa Maria della Misericordia is just a short way from Castelferretti. It was built in 1400 after the plague had hit the city. It was enlarged and heightened in 1610. Frescoes were covered with plaster during the renovation. They have been just lately discovered and restored. Dante de Carolis and Mario Pesarini were among those in charge of the restoration that was carried out from 1938 to 1940. The duke Roberto Ferretti sponsored some other restoration work and some frescoes were actually taken off the walls and restored thanks to the Sovrintendenza delle belle Arti in Urbino. The frescoes were then replaced in 1969.

The frescoes date back to the XV century. They are probably the result of the work of more artists from Umbria and Le Marche.

“Madonna della misericordia sorretta dagli angeli” is behind the altar. Maria is portrayed in all Her majesty with open arms as to greet all believers. She seems to be protecting and defending them from the plague. Two angels, one on each side lay a crown on her head, while myriads of celestial beings stand in contemplation around. San Lorenzo and San Bernardino are depicted at the sides of the image.

S.S.Trinità is portrayed above. God holds in his hands the corpse of Jesus Christ. Two angels pray at the sides. On the left hand side San Peter is depicted with the keys and San Paolo, opposite, with a sword. Decorative and much symbolic details frame the fresco.

The side walls are decorated with images of Saints. Some of them have a remarkable artistic beauty that betrays the existence of a refined artistic tradition.

The church is an important monument for the city of Falconara Marittima. The frescoes are unique in the Ancona district and should be preserved and made well known to tourists as well as locals.

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