Passions & Places

I Castelli

The Castles 
of Falconara Marittima

Falconara Marittima history is closely bound to the one of its four Castles. Each of them has its own origin and different stories. The building of the castles has meant much for Falconara Marittima. It became in fact an important trade centre and so grew into a city.

The castle of Falconara Alta is perched on a hill and has now become the Town Hall. The noble Cortesi family, descendant of a Germanic leader arrived in Italy after Belisario (VI century) wanted it to be built. leader arrived in Italy after Belisario (VI century).has now become the Town Hall. ty. ers.  practice at a first rate place in  

The castle boasts a beautiful view on the sea and on the Apennine mountains. It is framed by a beautiful village rich in tradition and cultural values.

Rocca Barcaglione ruins are located on the most elevated area of the Falconara territory. It is not far from the “Parco Zoo Paese dei Bimbi”. The fortress dates back to XI century and covered more than 2,500sqm in origin. It was then probably destroyed by the Ancona city in 1373.

The Gulf of Ancona opens underneath and the fields in full bloom are unquestionably beautiful, in spring time.

Rocca Priora (once known as Rocca di Fiumesino) raises on the left bank of the Esino river, not far from the sea. Its origins are attributed to the birth of Federico II di Svevia (26th December 1194) by the historian Baldassini.

It is located where the River meets the sea. Its position was strategic for the control of the communication network. The inferior part of the building still preserves the ancient medieval structures. Such elements are the towers and the portal that much resembles the one of the Ancona Lazzaretto. 

The superior part was instead renovated in the eighteenth century by Francesco Trionfi. The yard is partly occupied by a chapel that seems to be a work of Vanvitelli, or of his pupil Andrea Vici. Gioacchino Murat was guest in the place on the night of the 29th April 1815.

Francesco Ferretti, descendant to a Germanic soldier, fortified the watch tower (1348-1386). This was the first stage to which the building of the Castle followed. It was quickly built. The structure much resembles the “Estense” castles. Four corner towers enclose the building. The entrance was opened on a fifth tower.

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