A pochi chilometri dal centro cittadino, nell’entroterra marchigiano, si scoprono verdi colline ricche di castelli, fortezze, palazzi antichi e ovunque ottimi ristoranti ed eccezionali aziende vinicole. Non meno importante è il tradizionale e prestigioso vino locale Rosso Conero, etichetta a livello internazionale. Posizionata a 20 km da Ancona, Mazzangrugno (frazione di Jesi) è una piccolo paese immerso in un eccellente paesaggio.
The beautiful habitable farmhouse is spread over 706.98 sqm (divided into two independent apartments at the present status).
The ground floor (372,80sqm) consists of six store rooms, stables and garages (one of 32.60sqm and the other 42.60sqm).
The apartments on the first floors are both in good condition.
One of them (143,60sqm) is provided with central heating and fireplace.
There are four bedrooms, a large bathroom and a living room.
The second apartment (132,96sqm) is composed of three bedrooms, large bathroom, kitchen and living room.
The property is surrounded by a 5.000sqm courtyard.
- For more detail visit the gallery at 1057 Casale Dolci Colline***
Casale di Maggio is for sale at 370,000€.-