Passions & Places



Sweet and warm golden reflexes of honey hide the world where swarms of harmoniously working bees magically transform the nectar of flowers and plants in product called "miele", used as sweetening and as medicine with specific curative properties since ever.

Although always present on the territory of the Marches, apiculture was notably spread during the first years of the 20th century. More than 1800 producers of honey have helped the region reach the highest levels both in quality and in quantity.

In order to produce excellent honey of great energetic value, high digestibility, high presence of enzymes, vitamins and oligoelements, bees have to live in perfectly unpolluted surroundings. The best place to create this treasure in secret of their apiari, those tireless workers find on hills covered with fields of Leguminosae and lucerne.

Cautious and precise movements of beekeepers are always the same. Honey, on the contrary, has different qualities, flavours, consistencies and colours: depending on the altitude and on the type of flora that surrounds beehives, on the climate and on the period of "smielatura" (when honey is extracted from honeycombs). Classic and largely known honey Millefiori, for example, can be extremely different from vessel to vessel. It depends on nectars of some specific plants (acacia, Leguminosae, hen's bill, clover, sunflower, etc.) and on the season when it is extracted. Spring Millefiori is generally darker and softer than the summer one (because of higher grade of acacia nectar), but it is equally equilibrated in taste, excellent in use as energetic sweetening of healthy everyday food.

Miele di Melata (sweet substance produced by leaves of some trees), dark and of the slowest crystallization, in the Marches is obtained mostly from oak. This honey, with strong and particular taste, is rich with potassium and other minerals.

The light coloured Miele d'Acacia, thanks to its light colour, its being liquid and transparent, is distinguished from less used sunflower honey, crystallized and of brilliant yellow colour.

Beneficial properties of honey can be concentrated in royal jelly and propolis.

Beekeepers from the Marches often unite in associations of the category. Trademarks certify the origin and the quality of their products, and insure honey that is result of passion and of knowledge. Maintenance of its integrity and perfect composition, without thermo-treatments, just as produced by bees, is guaranteed.

In order to acknowledge, protect and distribute this important product in the agricultural panorama of the Marches, classification PDO (Protected Denomination of Origin) of regional honey is being defined.

In this way, even the bold work of bees will be given credit, while we will continue to taste their sweet product, maybe - as according to an old tradition - with slightly warmed tasteful formaggio di fossa.

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