Passions & Places

Mountain Biking


Mountain Bike 
The countless paths, the evocative muleteers and the ancient tracks that trace an admirable web among the hills, the forests and the mountains of the Marche, are a great temptation for the fans of the trekking in mountain-bike who, riding their irony horse, can admire from scenic lookouts the most beautiful spots of this region.   [ http://www.vadoinbici.it/ ]

Addressing the wishes of the ever growing number of fans, the Marche Region, the local Agencies, the various Mountain Associations (like those of “San Vicino”, “Metauro”, “Catria” and “Nerone”) and the management of several Natural Parks have improved their informative and organisational instruments, optimising the itineraries most suitable for mountain biking, issuing guides and promoting interesting activities, competitions and meetings.

There are, in fact, countless tracks in the Marche territory (many of them clearly indicated by a very good system on signposts) that take the adventurous bikers to amazing natural beauties and important historical sites; and there are many clubs and associations that organise fascinating cycling excursions, suggesting a wide range of routes and adequate technical and logistic support. Everyone can, therefore, easily satisfy his desire of sport, adventure and culture, choosing the most stimulant itinerary, on the base of specific interests, excursion and track length and difficulty.

The mission of a group of guides is, for example, to reveal the most evocative places of the Sibillini Mountains; through a web site (http://www.sibillinibike.com) they give detailed instructions to get in the splendid routes that, leaving from Montemonaco, Montefortino and Amandola, plunge into the uncontaminated and magical nature. The association “Happy Bike” of Urbania proposes exciting excursions amid the history and the variegated environment of the “Montefeltro”, making available specialised guidebooks, cartographic resources and logistic indications to organise picturesque itineraries, so that the mountain biker will have the opportunity to pedal along shady paths hidden in the forest, graze along or old castles or be involved with the entire family in a peaceful trekking admiring evocative panoramas. Finally, there are many associations that offer weekend packages (like that one called “The colours of the autumn”, sponsored by “Legambiente”, “Cai” and “ProLoco” of Amandola) including a videotaped introduction to the routes, technical assistance during the excursions, guided tours to historical monuments of great relevance, accommodation at pleasant farm holidays and a range of activities in which children can be involved together with people who do not love cycling, all organised to enjoy at its top a day out in mountain bike.


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