Passions & Places

Churches & Sanctuaries

Churches and Sanctuaries

It is sufficient to travel along the winding roads and cross the spectacular countryside of the Marches to grasp the profound religious devotion that characterizes the inhabitants of this region. Many small and at times weird votive niches are scattered close to streets, crossroads and hamlets, bearing witness to the religious beliefs of the inhabitants.

These works of rural architecture often go unnoticed, yet they represent the fine map of the many places of worship in the Marches. This region has been the native land of many saints and Popes. 

The numerous abbeys scattered in the territory were built in the Middle Ages to provide hospitality to the poor and the weak. They were organized by monks as real independent feuds, and they still keep the magical silence which has always inspired meditation and contemplation, in the fascination of simple architectural structures.

Churches and sanctuaries were built in many villages and towns, and they are still visited by many tourists, scholars and worshippers. Examples include the Camaldolensian hermitage of Mount Giove, Santa Croce of Fonte Avellana, the San Vincenzo abbey in Furlo (founded in the 6th century), San Michele Arcangelo in Lamoli and the abbeys Santa Maria of Lastreto, San Cassiano in Valbagnola, San Biagio in Caprile and San Vittore alle Chiuse on the Romea and Flaminia roads, the valuable church Santa Maria of Portonovo, the abbey San Piero (on the Conero Mount), the miraculous Basilica of the Holy house in Loreto, the basilica San Nicola in Tolentino (on whose territory the important Abbey Santa Maria of Chiaravalle was built). Other examples onclude the abbey Santa Maria a piè di Chienti (built in the never-ending struggle between men and the sea in Montecosaro) and the sanctuary of the blessed Rizzerio of Muccia on the Lauretana road; the sanctuary Santa Maria dell’Icona of Spinetoli, the abbey of Saints Ruffino and Vitale in Amandola, and the six charming basilicas of Ascoli Piceno, on the Sibillini Mounts close to the Salaria Road.

It is impossible to mention all the numerous and wonderful temples of Christian religion scattered across the Marches’ territory. Every village and town is watched over by the reassuring profile of ancient places of worship. Every street corner is watched over by those small and simple niches, sincere and direct witnesses of the sacred nature of this territory.       





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