and Technology
on "Science and Technology Museums in Le Marches" four new
museums: the "Palaeontological Museum" in Macerata
Feltria. the "Museum idf Fossils and Natural History" in
Montefalcone Appennino, the "Museum of Earth Sciences" in
Piandimeleto and the "Museums of Speleology and Palaeontology"
in Genga, thus reaching a total of 31 collections, mostly naturalistic.
other new Museums can be mentioned
although these are not yet active and open to the public. The first
is a collection of scientific instruments associated with the history of
radiology in our region, housed at the Radiological Clinic of the "Umberto
I" Hospital Complex.
The collection, put together by the Institute of Radiology at the
University of Ancona, could become a "Museum of Radiological
The second involves the "Antonio Elia" State Nautical
Technical Institute in Ancona, which plans to create a "Museum of
Maritime Navigation Science and Technology".
The material, which first has to be restored, has been part in the past of
an exhibition opened on the occasion of the annual Science Week. The
intention is to name it after Augusto Elia, the great Anconetan sailor of
the second half of the nineteenth century, and son of Antonio, from whom
the Institute takes its name.
Le Marche can also boast forty-seven Environmental Education Centres and
three Experience Centres are also Museums included in this guide.
They comprise: the "Museum of Fossils and Minerals" in
Smerillo, the "Museum of Fossils and Natural History" in
Montefalcone Appennino, the "Brancaleoni Geopalaeontological,
Naturalistic, Anthropological and ornithological Museum" in
Piobbico, the "Palaeontological Museum" in Amandola and
the "Naturalistic Museum" at Fiastra Abbey near
Tolentino. Finally, this Department is studying a museum ed education
project for the Scientific Museums prepared bt the Cultural Heritage
Centre of the Region in collaboration with the University of Camerino
Natural Science Museum.
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Liberation Ventures Ltd.