Passions & Places


Food & Wine

The real secret of the exquisite gastronomy of the Marches lies in the profound link with tradition, in the genuineness of produce and in the love for simple home-made things. Gastronomy of the Marches always meets visitors’ requirements.

Starting from the northern part of the region, it is possible to taste the Ravioli of San Leo and the mad sausage of Fano; the savoury Cresc’tajat of humble origins, and the sweet Bostrengo, an ancient and complex recipe. Other examples include the white truffles, a sublime and precious produce of the Montefeltro area, which give taste to many different dishes.

The Ancona area is famous for its fish recipes, ranging from stockfish and potatoes to the curious Cappone in galera. This is a capon recipe, a dish which used to console sailors who were faraway from their homes at Christmas. Other examples include the tasty Garagoj (shellfish) and the famous Brodetto di pesce (a fish soup), cooked all over the Marches.

In the Macerata area visitors may taste the Vincisgrassi (a lasagna recipe dating back to the 18th century), the Polenta with sapa (cooked and concentrated must), the Ciauscolo (a good salami that can be spread on bread), Scroccafusi and Cicerchiata (Carnival sweets). A curious sweet is the Lonza di fico (a sort of salami prepared with figs and wrapped in fig leaves).

The Ascoli Piceno area boasts the savoury Olive all’Ascolana (olives filled with minced meat and cheese, then fried), the steaming Ciavarro dishes (a legumes soup), the Porbaccittu (pieces of dried cod cooked with charcoal) and the hot Pollo ‘ncip ‘nciap (a hot chicken recipe).

In many homes in the whole region the thin sheet of pasta dough is made, which is then cut into cappelletti, ravioli, lasagna, or the very thin capelli d’angelo of Campofilone. This kind of egg pasta was chosen by the British Court and British Airways.

In such a long and savoury list it is necessary to include an excellent olive oil, the Carpegna ham, the tasty Salami of Fabriano and locally produced cheeses, such as the renowned Pecorino di fossa, a ewe’s milk cheese produced and ripened in tufa caves in the Montefeltro area. This cheese is best served with the aromatic warm honey.

All these recipes are best tasted if accompanied by the prestigious wines of the Marches; red and white wines from the Pesaro hills, the Lacrima of Morro d’Alba, the Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi, and the white wine of the Macerata hills, the Rosso Piceno, Falerio, Bianchello del Metauro and Verdicchio of Matelica. Other examples include the Rosso Conero, the Vernaccia of Serrapetrona, the Rosso Piceno Superiore and the white and red Esino wines. Finally, to sweeten one’s mouth after an excellent meal, it is worth tasting the ancient sour cherry wine, savoured by wild cherries, or the Vin cotto, a home-made wine which was once drunk only on special occasions.


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